Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Once again, I have been lax in writing; at least I haven't been lax in cross stitching. Here is my latest progress on my computer desk project, carousel baby, which I am stitching for my niece. I'm working on the backstitch now, coming down the homestretch...

I've also been working on a new (to the blog anyway) project, which is "Ride Em Cowcat," from an old leaflet, Garfield.... Crosses Your Path, from Millcraft. As you can see, I have been working on it for awhile.

I've been working the Day Without Stitching sampler as well, as my on-the-road project, but it doesn't seem to go as fast as my other projects, so I thought I'd wait and post new progress next time.

Here, we're looking forward to warmer weather and school being out for the summer! Only about four weeks to go...